making the costume

ledger has known since last halloween what he wanted to be this year.  at the end of the night last year he confided in us that he liked being a pac-man ghost, but next time he wanted to be a classic ghostie.  'you know, a white sheet with eyes cut out!'  all right, we can make that happen!
so this year we got ourselves a white bed sheet and dug right in!  he wanted it to be simple, but i knew it would look better, and he would be happier with it, if i made it a little more special than that.  i cut out the eyes extra wide and sewed on two big black eyes, and then let ledger take the sharpie and draw in a mouth for it!  we rigged up a special contraption that worked like a hat for him, otherwise the eye holes would move all around- leaving him unable to see!  now that's no way to get candy!
(more pics)

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