losing a best friend

there's no way to be prepared for something like this.  i was at work covering for someone else when jon called me with the devastating news.  he was gone.  my best friend, the guy who was the best man at my wedding, the guy i had spent so many late nights watching crappy movies with, or having deep and life changing conversations with, was gone.
he had lost control of his car the night before and hit a tree.  and now he's gone.  i'll never be able to call him, we'll never be able to laugh at our inside jokes, i'll never be able to go over and play with his transformers while he tells me how he's figured out life's grand puzzles.  he'll never be able to tell me all about his next project that he's got planned that will sit in in basement untouched, i'll never get to bribe him with beer to fix my car, he'll never again get to hear my boy repeat our inside jokes as if he actually understands them.  he's never going to show up late for our cabin trip and be the one to get the fireplace roaring.  there's so much he will never get to do. 
i miss him so much. 
but at least i got him for a while, and even though it wasn't enough, it was something.  and boy, was it something!  i will miss you and think about you for the rest of my life, jeff.
static brothers forever!

1 comment:

Jon Blair said...

Disc on Jeff