first day of first grade

here it is.  the day ledger has been looking forward to all summer (yes, he's young enough that he gets excited about it...): the first day of first grade!  he was super excited about it last night, but he wasn't so excited about it in the morning when he realized he had to get up so early...  eventually we coaxed him out of bed with the promise of waffles, but it was still pretty hard going.  diana and i were really excited about it too: we were going to be getting our mornings and afternoons back to ourselves! 
we got him ready and talked with him, he was telling us all about what he was most excited about (seeing his friends) and what he was not looking forward to (typing in computer class).  he was really glad to hear that he wasn't going to be subjected to nap time like he was in kindergarten- easily his most hated part of school last year!
all dressed, backpack on, he was ready to get going!  diana and i took him to school and brought him to his new classroom.  it wasn't nearly as hard to see him go this year.  we've been used to it now for the past couple years, so it a bit easier.  sure, we still get a bit misty eyed, but our confidence that he will be able to take care of himself and have a good time quickly push that fear away.
as is our tradition, after we dropped him off, diana and i went out for breakfast together- just the two of us! 
(more pics)

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