halloween night!

ledger's favorite day of the year is finally here: halloween!  he got home from school and was immediately itchin' to go trick or treating!  they don't want kids to start until 5pm here in allegan, so we had a couple hours to kill...  the town's high school had a special treat activity at 4, so i brought him there for a bit as we waited for the main event.
we went home and picked up diana, she had put her tiara on (so she was dressed like a princess), and i put my captain america hoodie on (which is what i've done for my costume for the past three years...) and we were off! 
we started, as has been our tradition, at the 'scary house', the house that ledger says is the scariest one of all.  that way he can build up his bravery quickly and be set for the rest of the spooky night.  we spent the next two hours wandering the streets of allegan in search of candy.  that little boy was in heaven!  he was disappointed that we had to stop when the sun went down, but he was thrilled with what a fun time he had!
(more pics: 1, 2)

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