time with the family

last weekend i headed up to michigan for a short visit. we didnt head up until saturday because my family was on vacation living it up in florida. im not jealous at all. ok, maybe a little... they flew back in town on saturday.
we headed up in the afternoon and met up with aaron, rex, and jeffry lee for lunch. we had a great time once aaron and rex got over their little tiff. it was funny, they were fighting like an old married couple. hilarious!
in the evening we went out to eat with my folks at the beltline bar. we waited over an hour, but we hung out at the bar and had a drink and some chips n salsa, so the wait was easily bearable. diana and i shared a delicious wet burrito and had a great time talking with my mom and dad.
later that night we headed over to tim and jills, after the kids went to bed. we hung out, talked, and played cards all night. we both had a blast- tim and jill are so good at making anyone comfortable.
we had a bit of a scare with my gramma brinks health that weekend. she had pneumonia and wasnt looking too good. usually at 92 pneumonia can be then end, but she seems to have pulled through. we went to go visit her after church and the nurse said that the current tests indicate that there is was no sign of pneumonia in her lungs, and she is improving by the hour. wow! we were quite worried, but God works in amazing ways!
for lunch tim and jill and the kids came over and we got to spend time just playing with the kids! we had an amazing time. after a short nap, it was time to head home. ahhh, what a fun time we had. we both look forward to visiting again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the quick weekend also.
Looking forward to spending more time with both of you soon.
Isn't Tim a hoot to play cards with?

Love ya,