The Viking Look

 It's finally time to trim the ol' beard. I really like to grow it long, which Diana doesn't mind too much. Well, she doesn't mind to a point- once it gets too long then she speaks up and let me know! Unfortunately she had let me know. This is longer than I've had it in quite a few years, so I'm sad to see it go. Before the trimmers come out though, I'm going to have a little bit of fun! I took the opportunity to try out the Viking look and braided it a bit. Looks pretty great, huh? Try telling Diana that... She was wondering what I was doing for so long in the bathroom and then I came out sporting these beautiful braids and she and Ledger started laughing hysterically! So they are a hit, then? Does this mean I can keep them? Sadly, dear reader, it did not. But at least I have this great picture to remember them by...

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