Movin' On

And that will be enough of that. When I initially took this job I was really excited- I was moving up the corporate ladder! Where I worked before I had kind of gotten as high up as I was going to go, so if I wanted to keep moving up I needed to go somewhere else. This job afforded me that opportunity, unfortunately it was not a good fit. The 45 minute drive each way, the all consuming stress of the job, and the near constant fear that someone would call in and I would need to drop everything to go in and cover them. Finally, after 18 months of trying to juggle all of that, I decided enough was enough. It was a difficult decision because I really liked my boss, but I like my sanity and wellbeing more... I've lost almost 80 pounds while working there, and it wasn't because I was working out or eating better, it was purely due to stress! I submitted my two week notice and a heavy weight was lifted instantly off my shoulders! Ahhhhhh! I appreciated the opportunity they provided, but it's definitely time to move on. Goodbye!

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