Adam's Meet Up

Adam always loves a good get together! A great friend since elementary school, Adam lives in California and isn't able to see all his Michigan friends as often as he would like. That's why he loves a good get together. Knowing he was going to be in town, he decided to invite a bunch of people to drop by and join him for drinks at a restaurant. Aaron and I, of course, took the bait and dropped in for the evening. A bunch of other old friends showed up too! Most years we have a little reunion of sorts for the ol' Kelloggsville gang, but we haven't been able to have once since the pandemic. This served as our alternate reunion this year. I picked up Aaron on the way and the two of us were the first to arrive (other than Adam, of course). Over the next hour a bunch of other former classmates rolled in; the drinks and nostalgia was flowing! I always love catching up with everyone. It's kind of weird, but I like to hang out with the people I went to middle school with, but our last reunion showed me that I don't have any interest in catching up with the people from my high school. Weird, huh? Maybe all the cool people from middle school went to the other high school...

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