I Finally Got It

 It finally happened. Diana spent the afternoon making an impressive pasta dish for us to have for dinner. She had ingredients all over the kitchen, measuring, cutting, and boiling! By the time it was done she gathered us together at the dinner table to enjoy this gourmet feast. The only problem was that I couldn't smell or taste what she had made. Curses! I know what that's a side effect of... Time to get tested. It was almost instant on the test: yes, I have COVID. All that work over the past year and a half trying to avoid it and it finally caught up with me. I let work know and suddenly found myself with three days off (that was the best part of it, to be honest). 
I was fortunate in that it was a mild case. I felt perfectly fine the whole time, other than the loss of taste and smell. I went to be early that night, but other than that, I felt totally normal. I've heard so many stories of those who were hit hard by it, some even spending weeks in the hospital. I'm certainly thankful that I got the weakest of cases. Thanks vaccine!

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