girls trip

while i was home moving furniture around for our new carpet and working, diana was off galavanting around with her lady friends at the beach!  i would say i was jelous, but i would rather do that then have to spend the week at the beach...  every year for the past few years we have gone on a friends vacation.  for a couple years we went to the upper peninsula, which was a blast both times; and last year we mixed it up a bit and spent the week in the nash.  well, this year we had made plans to go to miranda's grandparent's place over on the east side of the state, but for one reason or another people kept backing out.  the only people left were diana and i, miranda, and lissa.  i gracefully bowed out and allowed the three ladies to have a special vacation just the three of them.  diana's mom took ledger for the week and i stayed home and put in some overtime at work.  everyone involved had a fantastic time!  (it wasn't all that fun for me doing all that overtime, but on the other hand i got to watch a bunch of movies too!)

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