birthday gift

with my birthday right around the corner, i decided to spoil myself a little...
so there's this podcast that i've loved listening to for a few years (though now defunct) called 'midnight movie club'.  its hosted by an australian named lee sargent and a brit named dan hughes.  other than funny podcasts, lee also is an artist.  i've checked out his work online before and really love his cartoony style.  he has a shop on etsy where he makes these amazing ink and watercolor drawings of different pop culture based subjects.  well, it just so happened that he put up an offer on his site that you could commission him to make pieces for you.  he often works in a small size, usually about baseball card size.  after talking with diana about it, i took the plunge and commissioned him to make me a bunch of stargate sg-1 drawings!  he had listed on his store that he would make sets of three cards.  i decided that three wasn't going to be enough, instead i opted for 9!  i worked with him on what i wanted: a set of eight drawings of characters to be set around a central image of the stargate itself.  it's kind of a brady bunch style layout. he immediately understood what i was looking for and made the most amazing stylized images of the characters!  when we got them i had them framed and they have since been hanging in our place as a testament to just how nerdy i am!  amazingly, diana thinks they are pretty awesome as well!  i may be a nerd, but at least my nerdiness is expressed through original commissioned art, right?
(more pics)

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