6th Grade Handprint

Better late than never, right? Usually Ledger makes a hand print on his board before the first day of school, but this year we weren't on top of it and finally went to buy a new paint color a week after the school year started. And now finally we actually brought the board up to put the print on it!
Our boy is definitely growing up because he didn't want to get messy this year. In years past, pulling out the paint and letting him put his hand in it was an invitation to make a huge mess (which always annoyed Diana...). After putting his hand in it he used to then put paint on his face, arms, chest, etc. and run around laughing until we finally threw him in the bath (which then left a huge colored ring on the tub. Hmmm, maybe that's why Diana always hated it?). This year he just wanted to do the handprint and wash it off. This year he picked dark blue as his color. After the handprint, we stood the board up and did our annual measuring of how tall he is now. It's fun to see all the previous heights and see just how big he's gotten. He's grown about two inches a year for the past three or four years- wow!

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