Time Capsule

I saw this fun idea online and thought we could give it a try. Today is kind of a special day: February 2. That means the date is 2/2/22. The idea I read was to have your child make a time capsule and open it up in eleven years, on the date 3/3/33! What fun! That would work out to Ledger being 21. As a 21 year old, I bet he would think it was pretty funny to see what he was into way back when he was 10.
I ran the idea past him and he thought it sounded pretty fun. We spent the afternoon picking out different things that he was willing to tuck away for 11 years, and even wrote himself a note, a message to the 21 year old him! He wouldn't let me read it, so it'll be a fun surprise for all of us when we open it. Can't wait!

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