big box- big fort

diana was at work when she saw something that she knew ledger would really love: a giant box!  she brought it home and we put it in the living room for him to just go to town on.  when he saw it he was so excited that he could hardly handle it!  he's always loved to play with boxes, going all the way back to when he was a toddler.  well, this is by far the biggest box he's ever been able to play with.  we knew we were in for some real creativity on this one.  we put it together and he declared that he wanted to make a box fort.  we cut out a door and let him do his thing.  he pulled out his markers and spent the rest of the day decorating and filling his new box fort.  we even found a string of lights that we taped up on the inside so he could have light in there.  he was in heaven for the next week as he played and fixed up his fort!

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