playin' with mama's toys

i've played with my old toys with ledger before, and sometimes diana plays with her old toys with ledger too.  she used to play with her barbies all the time growing up and still has them (along with a few she's gotten since), and every once in a while still pulls them out and plays with them.  well, ledger was very interested in them the last time she pulled them out, so the three of us went all in and made an afternoon of it!  we rummaged through the different outfits and got each got our barbie looking her best.  ledger then set them all up and made a fun story for them (they were on their way to a vacation, in case you were wondering...).  it was really fun to get the chance to introduce ledger to a different kind of toy than what he usually plays with- and he had a blast with them too!

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