a new liver

wow, it's actually here- the day we've been waiting for with baited breath for over a year.  papa finally got the call that they have a new liver for him!  what an amazing answer to prayer!  there were times where we feared this would never happen, there were times that everyone had almost given up hope- including papa- that a donation would actually come through!
mom got the call at 5am saying that they needed to be down in ann arbor by 10am or it might be too late.  well, they already had their emergency bags packed, so it didn't take long before they were on the road!  while she was driving, mom gave us and call and we made plans for me to go down there and be with them for the day.  i headed out immediately and got a chance to see both of them before he was called in to the operating room.  we were in waiting for an hour or so when the doctor came up, he was reassuring us that everything was going well and we had no reason to worry.  just as he was telling us that his pager went off.  he took a look at it and said 'ok, that's the go ahead!'  and within 5 minutes papa was off to surgery! 
that was all the easy part, the hardest part was what came next: the waiting...  the surgery itself was scheduled to to 5-7 hours so we knew we were in for the long haul.  mom and i wandered around, trying to kill time, as we waited.  finally, around 9pm, the doctor came out and told us that it was a perfect success!  the new liver was in and doing well!  papa wasn't awake yet, but all signs were exactly where they wanted them to be!  at a boy, papa!  we were so relieved and thankful!  the doctor said it would probably be another 2-3 hours before we could see him, so mom said that she would be find, now that the worst of it was over.  i gave here one last long reassuring hug, and headed home to the wife and son.
wow.  its a flurry of so many emotions as i write about that day.  i'm proud of the doctors who were able to do such amazing work, protective of mom as she struggled with so much, thankful for the positive results, and relieved for papa as he will now get his life back!

1 comment:

Jon Blair said...

Great news!