second hand print

with another school year upon us, it was time to pull out our hand print board.  last year before ledger started preschool i decided we needed to do something a little pinteresty: we got a wood board and are planning to have ledger make a hand print on it just before the first day of school every year until he graduates from 12th grade!  that means there will be 14 hand prints on it, charting his growth from preschool to senior in high school.  kinda sappy crafting, but we think it will be pretty cool.  with kindergarten less than a week away, we stopped by the craft store and got a new paint color.  this year he picked yellow, which i'm pretty sure was heavily influenced by his obsession with minions!  we made the hand print on the board and then proceeded to make a good ol' mess with the paint- which ledger loved!
this will be a really neat one to see when he's all done.  (here's the link to last year's post about when we started it)

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