leaky rental roof

there is only one good thing about owning a rental property, but there are millions of bad things.  chief among them is having to do repairs.  well, i got the call i had been dreading for the last couple years: the roof was leaking. 
granted, it is about time, the roof had been replaced just a year or two before i got the place, so that means it had been almost 17 years since it was last shingled.  they say a roof should last between 15 and 20 years, so this was almost exactly between those two figures. 
i headed down to check it out, fearing the worst.  thankfully it wasn't quite as bad as i was expecting.  there was a wet spot on the ceiling that was dripping, but a little repair work inside and a gigantic tarp on the outside, and we were all set!  granted, this isn't really fixing the problem, but i'll let future me worry about that...

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