Pumpkin Time!

With our Halloween decor up and the season changing, it's time for one of our favorite annual traditions: going to Gene the Pumpkin Man to get our pumpkins! Each year we make the trek over to Gene to get a couple pumpkins to carve and put out on the front porch. Many years ago, a friend I worked with suggested that place when we first moved to Allegan. He said that he and his family have been going there for decades. The first year we went we thought it was so cool, and now we've been going for years as well!
This year it was unseasonably warm for the middle of October, but at least it wasn't raining! We arrived and went to the fence to say hi to the cows, which seemed to take a special interest in Ledger this year, even getting close enough to let him pet them! Next, we grabbed a wagon and began the search for two perfect pumpkins. We wandered around and it didn't take long for Ledge to find a couple good looking gourds that he wanted to carve. Gene the Pumpkin Man is still kickin, so Ledger went over and chatted with him for a few minutes. His hearing isn't what it used to be, so it ended up being Ledger repeating himself over and over again, louder each time! Having made the full circuit around the place, we bought our pumpkins, thanked Gene, and headed home, pleased to have visited once again.
(more pics: 1, 2

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