Having the Boys Over

Every once in a while Ledger asks to have friends over. He hasn't very often this summer, so when he asked, we said sure! Emerson and Desmond were both dropped off around noon, that way they could get as much play time as possible! Granted, play time these days is a little different than it was a few years ago. Not as much running around and playing with toys, now they shoot Nerf guns at each other and play video games against each other on their devices. Still, they clearly had a blast, laughing and joking the day away!
Growing up I rarely had friends over, we weren't exactly the 'everyone is welcome' type of household. I would always have to go over to my friend's house. Granted, it was probably for the best, I don't think any of us would want to cross paths with my big brother... With that history, it's quite nice to now have created a house where he gets to have his friends over whenever he wants. Not only do we welcome his friends, but we usually spoil them with food and movies! We went out and got some delicious BK for dinner, and then the four of us took in a show! We went to the Regent and watched Despicable Me 4. The boys had a blast! It's always fun to see Ledge play around with friends.
After the movie we drove all over creation bringing the boys home- I'm shocked at how far away they live considering they all go to the same school! 

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