The Boy Turns 12

Crazy to realize that our little guy has turned 12 already! He's only one year away from being a teenager- yikes! We've got something special planned for him this year. Earlier this week we finally told the him what our Spring Break/Birthday plans are. He was shocked and excited: He and I are going to California for a week!
Even though he is going to have a week long special birthday event, we still wanted to make sure that his birthday was celebrated. We got him a little birthday cake and a gift for him to open. He loved it, and after singing and opening his gift, it was time to pack up and head to the airport!

Anniversary 15

Amazing! Some how 15 years have passed together. It doesn't feel like that long at all, but then I think about all the changes that have happened in our life since then and I'm a little shocked its only been 15 years...
I'm still continually shocked that I won the 'hot wife' lottery and convinced this beauty to shack up with lil ol me. It's been so incredible to see how much she has changed since we first met, and all those changes we have been able to go through together. She's also stuck by my side as I've made so many changes as well. We are both unrecognizable from who we were 15 years ago. All these changes seem like something that could have led us on different paths, directing us away from each other, but the different directions we have taken individually have actually followed exactly the alternate path of the other, it's like we are synchronized dancers in this ballroom of life- and we didn't even plan out our choreography ahead of time!
Excited to see where the next 15 years take us. No matter where, we will be dancing together!

Three Dimensions

I kind of splurged on myself... Ever since the first Avatar movie came out, I've loved seeing movies in 3D. I loved the 3D boom the years following that movie's release. The wife and I would go see tons of movies in the theater and always opt for the 3D option. As they started making 3D TVs, I was always jealous and wished I could afford one. Alas, I was just a poor school teacher and couldn't afford the $2000-3000 dollar TVs or 3D players. Oh well, that just meant that I would have to make sure I saw everything I could in the theater. I distinctly remember having a talk with my wife about how I really had to go see Pacific Rim on a Thursday night, neglecting her and my young son, because it was the last day it was going to be in the theaters and I would never get another chance to see it in 3D!
Well, all of that has changed! I recently found an amazing deal on a 65 inch 3D TV, 3D player, and surround sound system! The wife and I talked it over and the price was so low that we decided the upgrade was worth it. So now I am the proud owner of a whole 3D entertainment set up in my movie cave of a basement! I'm so pumped I can hardly believe it!
First thing I did once it was all set up? Watch Avatar, of course! In 3D! Now I have the chance to see those movies in 3D again! Over the past week or two I've been visiting all the different used movie stores and buying up literally any 3D movies they've got. They don't make them anymore, so there are only a limited number of releases I can get. That totally doesn't matter because I am so pumped to watch 3D movies at home! And yes, I did find a 3D copy of Pacific Rim, so I plan to see it again like I never thought I would.