the swing set is fantastic, but ledger is a little small to handle stay on a normal swing. so, diana and mom went to pick him up an infant swing from the store. they came home with a fun red car swing! ledger and i opened it up and got to work putting it together. we screwed in all the wheels and parts, even all the extra stickers that put a face on the front of the car. ledger was all about it right up until i put the smiley sticker on the front of the car. then, for some reason he threw a fit! 'no smiley face!' and then he threw a tantrum! why? excellent question... after i attached the smiling mouth of the swing, he was completely against it- in fact, it took a couple weeks for him to even be interested in the swing again! i took it out to the swing set and hooked it up, replacing one of the swings. but he would have none of it. i took him out there to show him the new fun swing, but he wanted nothing to do with it and ran away from it!
almost every day diana would take him out to the swing set and ask him if he wanted it go in the swing and he kept refusing, instead spending his time on the slide. this continued for weeks! it wasn't until diana finally peeled the smiley face sticker back off the front of the swing that he was finally willing to get in the thing! what a strange boy, huh? anyway, he eventually came around to it and really loves it now. he can spend an hour in that thing at a time- just back and forth, back and forth! at least there's no smiley face, right?
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playground at home
david ordered a great set that he knew ledger would love. when it came we didn't have the chance to put it together, but a couple days later we had a few hours, so we opened up that box and pulled out all the parts. usually i try and just get working with trying to put things together, but i thought it might be a little bit smarter to actually use the directions... you know, there is a child's safety at stake and all, right? i got to it, following the directions and putting the pieces together. soon after david came out to help. between the two of us we figured everything out and had the thing put together in a half hour- team work!
we moved it over to where we wanted it to be and bolted in the slide- now it was time for ledger to see his new swingset! he came out into the backyard and was so excited to see that he now had a playground in his own back yard!
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too mulch work
diana has been chomping at the bit for weeks now! finally the weather is nice enough for us to go out and get some work done on the lawn. the first order of business: cleaning out the flower beds and get some mulch in there! we found an amazing deal on mulch at the landscaping place, so we stocked up (about 60 bags...). she and i put on our workin' gloves and got down to it! we tore out all the ugly weeds and stuff, put down some weed killer, and spread out that dark rich mulch. once we got the plant and flower section looking great, we set our sites on the tree. after pruning back all the crazy growths, we put down some fabric to keep the weeds out, and piled on the beautiful white rocks! by the end of the day the front of the lawn was looking pretty great! with an exhausted sense of accomplishment, we packed it in, cleaned up the yard waste, and (after putting ledger down) collapsed into our beds- achy and exhausted!
(the after pics)
(the after pics)
ok, this was totally adorable! we've got this wind chime in our dining room that ledger always likes to play with. every once in a while he will ask me to lift him up so he can play with the 'bells'. its got five strands, each makes a different note when struck. this particular evening, after a long day of work, driving back and fourth, i got to spend a little time with him. he wanted to play with the bells, so i hoisted him up. he grabs one of the strands and says 'ledger!' to signify that one represents him, he then grabs the next one and says 'mama!', the next, 'daddy!'. there were too left, and he pulls on one saying 'grandma!' and the last 'grandpa!' he looks at me and says 'falamy!' and it melted my heart! (he can't seem to pronounce 'family' and instead says 'falamy'; its much too cute to correct, so we have started saying 'falamy' as well!)
this whole multi-generational household has been so good for our boy- we love it!
this whole multi-generational household has been so good for our boy- we love it!
play ball!
a few friends of diana invited us to go see the local minor league baseball team the other night. we were totally up for it! i made sure to get home from work on time, and off we headed as a family to enjoy our first south bend silverhawks game! its really early in the season and there's still a bit of a chill in the air, so the place was pretty empty. not that we minded, that meant that we got our run of the stadium!
we got there and spotted our friends right away (they were about the only people there...), so we headed down and sat with them. that didn't last long, soon ledger wanted to explore, so we were off! i went with him up and down the rows of seats. he had never been to a baseball game or stadium before, so he was excited to check it all out.
granted, we didn't really watch any of the game, we were too busy getting hot dogs and drinks from the concessions and playing around in the kids area to pay attention to the sports on the field! it was so much fun we will certainly be back this summer!
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we got there and spotted our friends right away (they were about the only people there...), so we headed down and sat with them. that didn't last long, soon ledger wanted to explore, so we were off! i went with him up and down the rows of seats. he had never been to a baseball game or stadium before, so he was excited to check it all out.
granted, we didn't really watch any of the game, we were too busy getting hot dogs and drinks from the concessions and playing around in the kids area to pay attention to the sports on the field! it was so much fun we will certainly be back this summer!
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mr. potato eggs?
sometimes for easter we head up to grand rapids, but this time we decided to stick around and spend it with diana's family. her mom was so thrilled about getting ledger an easter basket and doing a little egg hunt in the back yard and deck! there was one problem though, she had gotten all the little toys and candy for him and a really cool mickey mouse basket, but she forgot to get the plastic eggs to put them in! oh no! don't worry, we macguyvered a solution: we put the candy and toys inside of the four mr. potato heads that we have! it was a really funny solution, but one that worked perfectly! some of the trinkets and toys we had for him were too big to fit in those plastic eggs anyway, so this worked better. he had no idea what was going on, but as long as those jelly beans kept flowing he didn't care! i'm pretty sure he had his sugar intake for the year that afternoon! everybody got him a couple little prizes as well: a few mini skateboards that he's been obsessed about for a while, some cool baby aviator sunglasses, and a big huge bottle of bubbles! that boy was all set!
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friendly fun
even with all the great family fun, i was able to steal way a couple hours to go and see my friends. with jon and his wife recently purchasing a home less than a mile from my parent's place, i was eager to check it out! i picked up jeffry lee and we headed over. with all the work that jon had put in, i knew i was in for a fantastic tour, and he did not disappoint! the place looked beautiful! all the rooms had been freshly painted by jon in anticipation the move, and the home was gorgeous. we headed down to his office and spend the night chilling out and enjoying some time together, just listening to some music and chatting it up. there was some great conversation, a short walk, a look at the amazing deck and back yard, and even some great news! all in all, a fun night with the guys!
out and about
after dropping off all of grandma's stuff at her place and bringing the rental truck back, i got the chance to spend some time with my boy! before we left, the lake was still frozen over and there were still a few big piles of snow around the yard, but when we got back it became spring- no more ice, and now we could play outside! so i took advantage of the warmth and spent some time with ledger out in the yard throwing around his red bouncy ball. it was so nice to just relax outside with him and play around for a bit without being trapped inside because it was still freezing outside- spring is almost here!
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home at last
after an epic 25 hour nonstop road trip, we arrived back home! we were both tired out of our minds, but all we could think about was ho excited we were to see our son! when we walked in the house, after being away from him for almost seven whole days, we were greeted with such a yelp of excitement i will never forget it as long as i live! 'mama! daddy!' that little guy was so thrilled to have us back that he was giggly with excitement- and so were we! we stayed up and hugged and smooched him nonstop for an hour or so, but eventually the exhaustion got the better of us, so we went to lay down and try to catch up on the sleep we missed out on the night before! finally, around 4 or 5 in the evening, we got up and spend the rest of the evening playing with our boy and telling mom and david about all the great times we had!
the long drive back
after spending an incredible time in new smyrna, it was time to head back home. with much sadness we packed up our suite and headed out. we were both sad to see it go, but excited to be back home with our little ledger!
friday morning we packed up the last of our stuff, said our goodbyes to the beautiful sandy coast, and were on our way by 9:00am. i had a blast so far our whole trip, but i must admit, i was really excited for our big road trip back to indiana! we began our journey north, hitting a few traffic jams along the way, but having a good time. the worst part of the trip though, was the fact that the truck didn't have a cd player or mp3 player jack. which means we were stuck listening to the radio or nothing. usually we just elected for nothing, taking the chance to instead talk and just have fun together! though i will admit, during those long night hours with diana sleeping, i was really thankful for those podcasts!
we stopped for dinner in atlanta (or as i call it 'hotsie', much to my wife's disgust...) and were still on the fence about where or when we should stop for the night. we kept on truckin, rolling through tennessee and kentucky. finally, around 1:00am, diana said the had had enough and wanted to stop for the night. we pulled off at a couple exits. at the first one all the hotels were booked, so we continued on. at the second exit we tried i went in and got us a room, then got back in the truck and told diana to head in to the room and i would park the truck and get all of the stuff we needed and meet her in there. before i could even get our stuff out of the back of the truck she came walking back out, completely white like she had seen a ghost. 'there is no way we are staying here. go get our money back!'. um ok... i guess she had walked in the room, which smelled like urine, the window was open and wouldn't close (keep in mind it was about 40 degrees out), there were two recliners in the room which looked like they had been found on the side of the road, and the sheets were stained... needless to say, we got our money back and kept driving! reinvigorated, i talked her in to just driving through the night instead of trying again for a hotel room. when all was said and done, we finally arrived back home around 10:00am, bleary eyed, but excited to be back!
friday morning we packed up the last of our stuff, said our goodbyes to the beautiful sandy coast, and were on our way by 9:00am. i had a blast so far our whole trip, but i must admit, i was really excited for our big road trip back to indiana! we began our journey north, hitting a few traffic jams along the way, but having a good time. the worst part of the trip though, was the fact that the truck didn't have a cd player or mp3 player jack. which means we were stuck listening to the radio or nothing. usually we just elected for nothing, taking the chance to instead talk and just have fun together! though i will admit, during those long night hours with diana sleeping, i was really thankful for those podcasts!
we stopped for dinner in atlanta (or as i call it 'hotsie', much to my wife's disgust...) and were still on the fence about where or when we should stop for the night. we kept on truckin, rolling through tennessee and kentucky. finally, around 1:00am, diana said the had had enough and wanted to stop for the night. we pulled off at a couple exits. at the first one all the hotels were booked, so we continued on. at the second exit we tried i went in and got us a room, then got back in the truck and told diana to head in to the room and i would park the truck and get all of the stuff we needed and meet her in there. before i could even get our stuff out of the back of the truck she came walking back out, completely white like she had seen a ghost. 'there is no way we are staying here. go get our money back!'. um ok... i guess she had walked in the room, which smelled like urine, the window was open and wouldn't close (keep in mind it was about 40 degrees out), there were two recliners in the room which looked like they had been found on the side of the road, and the sheets were stained... needless to say, we got our money back and kept driving! reinvigorated, i talked her in to just driving through the night instead of trying again for a hotel room. when all was said and done, we finally arrived back home around 10:00am, bleary eyed, but excited to be back!
see food

beach bums
diana made quick work of getting to the beach! with our hotel right on the ocean, we just had to walk out from our building and there we were on the beautiful atlantic ocean shore! now, anyone who know me knows that i don't really care for the beach, but being in this beautiful place, with such a beautiful woman, i figured i had better get over myself and just enjoy every minute of it. so i did!
each morning we headed out to the beach and laid out for an hour or so, getting up from time to time to wander down the shore and check out the cool shells and stuff. in preparation for our laying out, we even wondered over to the local souvenir shop and picked up a beach blanket and a couple towels. so, by the time we got there, we were all set for some sun and relaxation! we both popped in some headphones and rocked out to some great beach music (or podcasts...) and had a great time.
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each morning we headed out to the beach and laid out for an hour or so, getting up from time to time to wander down the shore and check out the cool shells and stuff. in preparation for our laying out, we even wondered over to the local souvenir shop and picked up a beach blanket and a couple towels. so, by the time we got there, we were all set for some sun and relaxation! we both popped in some headphones and rocked out to some great beach music (or podcasts...) and had a great time.
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hotel amazing
wow. i'm not entirely sure how else to describe the place we stayed! knowing it was our anniversary, diana's mom and david planned our time in florida to allow for a few nights on the beach! they graciously footed the bill as a gift to us- allowing us to soak up the rays and enjoy a few days to celebrate our fifth anniversary! the last time diana, her mom, aunt, and barbara came to visit grandma together, they planned a visit and stayed a night at this hotel, so she knew what we were in for. i, on the other hand, had no idea what wonders were in store! when we first arrived at the best western we checked in and went up to our room. since diana had been here before, she told me about the amenities and how awesome the room was, but when we opened our door, it was quite different than she has expected. it was a single room with a nice view. last time she had been here she had an amazing suite, so she was not that impressed with what we had walked in to. i didn't know any better, so i was pleased as punch! diana talked about how much better and different the room was last time, so i called down to the desk to ask if they could change us to a suite, and they said 'sure!'- at no extra charge! we grabbed our luggage and headed over to the new room, and wow- it was everything i hoped and dreamed! the place was twice as big as the duplex we lived in for the first four years we were married! it had a living room, a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and still had an amazing view! good thing she complained, because this was a thousand times better than the first room we were in!
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load em' up!
with a big hauling truck, we were ready to load up grandma's stuff! we headed over to the storage unit and fill 'er up! of course, when we got there we realized how much oddly shapen stuff she had- maybe this wasnt going to be as easy as we thought! thankfully we got a bunch of packing blankets, so everything that was delicate could be wrapped and safe. this is one of the times where all that wasted time playing tetris growing up really pays off- i was able to figure out a way to get all of her things in there and snugly fit without any trouble at all! although, i will admit, i made a bit of a mistake with packing the dresser: we kept all the drawers in it and had it facing the front of the truck. this was great for saving space and keeping everything in its place, but was so annoying whenever we would slow down on the road trip- those drawers would come crashing into the front wall of the truck, freaking us out each time!
down to florida
monday night we were dropped of at the south bend airport for our flight down. all was going well until i realized that i had forgotten one of the most important things to have with you on a trip: headphones! oh, i was miserable and almost called off the whole trip! eventually my anger subsided and diana reminded me that we would still have fun, so i decided to allow the rest of the trip to happen. but just barely.
we arrived in florida around 11 at night, so we took a taxi to the hotel. we were both exhausted and hungry so we found a pizza place that would deliver and chowed down! soon after we fell fast asleep, our heads filled with the fun times ahead!
in the morning i got up early to walk down to the hauling truck rental place to get our ride for the week. i pulled in and by the time i got up to the room diana was up, packed, and ready to rock- our road trip was about to begin!
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we arrived in florida around 11 at night, so we took a taxi to the hotel. we were both exhausted and hungry so we found a pizza place that would deliver and chowed down! soon after we fell fast asleep, our heads filled with the fun times ahead!
in the morning i got up early to walk down to the hauling truck rental place to get our ride for the week. i pulled in and by the time i got up to the room diana was up, packed, and ready to rock- our road trip was about to begin!
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goodbye, dear boy
a few months ago diana's mom and aunt had to make a big decision for their mother in law. her health has been deteriorating and had recently been moved to a rest home. the problem is that she lives in florida- so that means that they rarely get to visit her or help her out with anything that she might need. so they made the decision to bring her back up to indiana. the home that she was in actually has a facility right here in south bend, so the move was very easy! the problem though, was that grandma's stuff is still down in florida in a storage garage. so, mom and david began to try and figure out how to get it up here. well, it just so happened that i had a spring break coming up... so diana and i talked with them about the idea of the two of us flying down to florida and driving back up with all grandma's stuff in a rental truck. mom and david saw it as a relief that they didn't have to go down, and diana and i saw it as an opportunity for a vacation! so we were in!
the only problem with this plan was the fact that we would have to say goodbye to our little guy for a whole week- yikes! my mom and diana's mom were more than willing to take over grandma duties and split the babysitting week between them- which was a huge blessing to us, making the extended florida trip possible. with sad excitement, we said our goodbyes to our beloved boy, leaving him for a few days with his mema. the two of us drove back to south bend for our flight the next day. we were really excited to have a great vacation, but we still knew how much we would miss our little boy!
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the only problem with this plan was the fact that we would have to say goodbye to our little guy for a whole week- yikes! my mom and diana's mom were more than willing to take over grandma duties and split the babysitting week between them- which was a huge blessing to us, making the extended florida trip possible. with sad excitement, we said our goodbyes to our beloved boy, leaving him for a few days with his mema. the two of us drove back to south bend for our flight the next day. we were really excited to have a great vacation, but we still knew how much we would miss our little boy!
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more birthday!
as if the visit to chuck e cheeses wasn't enough, there was even more birthday celebrating in store for our little two year old! sunday after chuch, jill, tim, and the kids stopped by for the afternoon to hang out. as soon as they walked in with more gifts, ledger when nuts again! he sure does love unwrapping those prizes! he had a ton of fun playing with all his new toys, showing them off to everyone and finding different ways to make them act silly! its a good thing we packed lightly on our way up, because the car was weighed down by all the new stuff ledger got for his birthday! i know he will be playing with and loving his new stuff for months to come.
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in the morning when ledger got up, he got busy playing with the fun toys at mema's house. when papa got up and sat on the couch for a quick breakfast, he pulled out a pack of pop-tarts. as he was eating ledge came up to him 'bite, papa?' asking to try some, papa gave him a little piece of it. oh boy, he was hooked- that little guy became obsessed! immediately ledger ignored his toys and climbed up on the couch to cozy up to papa- 'more?', and of course papa was willing to share as much as ledge wanted! the rest of the day he would come up to papa and ask 'oppart?' no buddy, no opparts anymore. he continued to ask everyone about every 10 minutes for the rest of the weekend...
ledger's second bithday
to celebrate ledger's second birthday, we headed up to grand rapids to see my family and have a party! we figured we would celebrate it like a two year old is supposed to: by going to chuck e cheeses! now, i have never actually been there before, so i wasn't quite sure what to expect. the last time i went to a place like this was back when it used to be 'showbiz pizza' and there was a really creepy animatronic music band lead by a moving, lifeless, dead-eyed bear, and the place was nothing but a ball pit and rows of skeeball games. i figured (or at least hoped) that they had moved away from nightmare inducing entertainment, so we gave it a try. my sister had taken her kids there for birthdays in the past, so we knew it would probably be ok... turns out it was a ton of fun! the place is full of fun games and little rides for the kids. as soon as we walked in the door, ledger's little eyes grew about three sizes- he had no idea what he had just walked into, but he knew he loved it! we spent the rest of the afternoon eating pizza, opening prizes, and playing games! he had so much fun it was tough to pull him away from the place when it was time to go- 'more games! more games!'
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5th anniversary
oh where has the time gone? i can hardly believe that its been five years since i first called diana my wife! (relive the memories with me here!) so much has changed in my life since we first married- we've got a two year old boy, we moved; but yet so much has stayed the same: my unending love for her!
i know its always so cheesy when people say say 'i love her more now that i did when we got married', but here's the thing: its true! five years ago i thought i loved her, and in the small way that i understood love, i did. but now that i better know what it means to love, i grow in my realization of how completely i am taken with her! its like a child learning to read. a four year old may be able to recognize words, maybe even read 'see spot run', but they cannot fully grasp the worlds that reading can create. sure, the child can read, but they are not yet capable of getting lost in an amazing story, or laughing along with a witty article, or challenging their perception with a well reasoned essay, to soar with a sweeping epic, to weep with a heartbreaking tome. now that is reading!
five years in, i'm better at understanding how deep this love thing goes. its not a statement, 'i love her', its a commitment, its an action, its a promise, its a proclamation, its a journey. a journey that we walk together. the further we go, the better we get! i love you, diana; may we read our hearts out!
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i know its always so cheesy when people say say 'i love her more now that i did when we got married', but here's the thing: its true! five years ago i thought i loved her, and in the small way that i understood love, i did. but now that i better know what it means to love, i grow in my realization of how completely i am taken with her! its like a child learning to read. a four year old may be able to recognize words, maybe even read 'see spot run', but they cannot fully grasp the worlds that reading can create. sure, the child can read, but they are not yet capable of getting lost in an amazing story, or laughing along with a witty article, or challenging their perception with a well reasoned essay, to soar with a sweeping epic, to weep with a heartbreaking tome. now that is reading!
five years in, i'm better at understanding how deep this love thing goes. its not a statement, 'i love her', its a commitment, its an action, its a promise, its a proclamation, its a journey. a journey that we walk together. the further we go, the better we get! i love you, diana; may we read our hearts out!
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