the award goes to...
its finally here, the day i look forward to all year. that special day when all my movie obsessions come to a head: its time for the oscars! every year the oscars is a big deal for me. i don't know when the obsession started for me, but i remember convincing my parents to let me stay up every year until they were over (which is around 11-11:30pm; that's pretty late for an 11 year old!). i used to try and make it a point of going to see each and every movie that was nominated, but lately i haven't been able to do that because, you know, life. even though i don't get to see most of the movies, i still read up on all of them and check out all the pre-oscar coverage for the months and weeks leading up to the actual ceremony. i even have a bit of a tradition when it comes to watching: i print out a copy of all the nominees and pick my favorites to win (which is kind of ridiculous considering i haven't seen any of them...). i put the list on my oscar clipboard (yes, i have a special clipboard dedicated just for the oscars- i've got my picks going back more than 10 years on that clipboard!) and check out how i do as the ceremony progresses. over the past five years i've roped diana into the excitement and she gets to pick winners too (and for knowing very little about the movies she doesn't really do much worse than me. i don't know if that means that she's a good guesser, or that i'm a terrible guesser...) and she really enjoys the whole thing too. well, i think diana, mom, and david must have been getting sick of me constantly talking about it the week of the oscars that they decided to give me this hilarious special award: oscarologist! i was recognized, from the society of film critics i might add, for my 'years of service as a film critic and dedicated watcher', i was bestowed the title of oscarologist. the best part is that on the special document there is a picture of an oscar award, as well as oscar the grouch! hilarious! i love that they spent time and effort making up this little award for me- i know its meant to be silly, but i was kind of touched by the sentiment!
breakfast tower
its been two weeks, so that means we get to meet up with mema and papa again! actually, the two of them had gone down to indiana with my uncle and aunt for a weekend away and we made plans to meet up with them in benton harbor as they were on their way home. there was a bit of a blizzard down by them that morning, but they were still able to get out of there and join us for breakfast at sophia's. ledger was, as always, thrilled to see his mema and papa! granted, he was exceptionally loud in that place, drawing the attention of everyone within a few table radius, but other than that, everything went great! ledger's favorite part was trying to stack up the creamer cups while he was in the booth with mema. i must say, he did amazingly well- he got it eight creamers tall before the whole thing flopped over. pretty impressive! after the meal, we said our goodbyes and the two of them continued on their trek back up to grand rapids while we headed home with an exhausted baby. i'm pretty sure he was already sleeping by the time we left the parking lot...
hipster by the slice
for barbara's birthday, james had planned a fun get together for a few of their friends. diana and i were invited as well and we were eager for a fun night out! we met up at a new local brick oven pizza place. it was barbara, james, and about eight of their friends. we had never met any of them, so it was nice to get to know them a little bit while we ate. after dinner we drove down to barbara's place. it was the four of us and two of their friends. we got to have some cake and then played games together the rest of the night! it was a great opportunity to be silly, meet some new people, and celebrate one of my favorite sisters- happy birthday, barbara!
fortune smiles
diana and i had the opportunity to go to my favorite chinese restaurant, so we took advantage and brought our little guy with us. he did a great job of behaving himself and really loved playing with the chop sticks! he wasnt very brave about trying much of the chinese food, but he did take a good bite of shrimp and crab rangoon! by the end of our meal we were brought fortune cookies. we opened them up and gave ledger a bite and he totally loved it, especially the fact that there was paper in it! we took a look at the fortune of the cookie that he had eaten from, and i've got to say, i dont think i've ever seen a more accurate fortune! it said: 'you are the center of every group's attention'. so true!
chocolate milky
one saturday afternoon, right after his nap, i informed diana that it was time for a guys day out! (actually, we just needed to get some groceries, but i thought i'd make it sound grander than it was...) i got ledger ready and the two of us headed out together. we went down to the local mcdonalds for a quick bite to eat. ledger got a happy meal and did a great job of eating while we were there. he enjoyed the cheeseburger and apple slices, but he still doesn't care for french fries- which is perfectly fine by me, he doesn't need to eat that stuff anyway! his favorite part though, by far, was the chocolate milk that came with the meal! he already loves milk, but this was the first time he had ever had chocolate milk! i put the straw in it and gave him a sip, it was so funny to watch his face: at first he was totally normal, but once that chocolaty goodness hit his taste buds, he gave the funniest look! in an instant it went from confusion to pure bliss! i tried to pull it away, but he just wouldnt let go of my hand. through out the rest of the meal he kept asking 'milky? milky? more milky?' i had to space out his drinks just so that he would actually eat some food too! after he finished up his meal, we headed over to aldi to pick up a few groceries, then it was back home to a rested and relaxed momma, happy for the couple hours of peace!
recently ledger was rooting around in our bedroom closet and came across my superman coin bank. he loved it and walked around carrying it for a while. i figured i'd show him what it was, so i pulled out a few coins and showed him how they go in the back of it. he thought that was the coolest thing ever! for the next week afterwards, he would ask me right away when i got home from work 'coinths? coinths?' knowing the drill, each day i would grab a few coins from the car and put them in my coat pocket. when he would ask, i gave him the coins and he would go running for our bedroom to go get superman. he would drag it out to the living room table, climb up on the chair, and the proceed to put each and every coin, one at a time, into the superman bank. with each one i would ask him what kind of coin it was. by about the third day of this he was picking up the names for them and was able to say which coin it was as he plunked it in the back of superman! after all of them were done, he would dutifully get off his chair and bring superman back to the closet.
oh boy, big boy
every couple weeks my mom needs a little bit of a ledger fix! living an hour and a half away can be a bit daunting for us with ledger not getting to see his papa and mema enough. so we have gotten into the habit of meeting up with my parents at the half way point between south bend and grand rapids. its only about 45 minutes to an hour for both of us, so it works pretty good. its a beautiful little lakeside town, but the problem is that in the winter there's not much of anything to do. its amazing in the summer, but when its cold they don't really have much there. so, we usually end up meeting them at the big boy restaurant off the highway! we dont mind too much- the food is good and they are pretty understanding about having a loud and excited child there eating!
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every once in a while diana and i ask her mom and david to take ledger for the evening and get the chance to go out and have a couple hours to ourselves, a bit of a date night. it doesn't really matter what it is that we do, just so long as we do it together. as you can see, we tend to get a little silly when we get these special times with just the two of us! its so great to have the opportunity to step away from all our responsibilities for a while and just enjoy some time together; a chance to recharge our batteries. thank you mom and david- it means so much that you give us these special hours together!
around the house
we haven't been out of the house much with ledger these past few weeks. when there's four feet of snow out side and the weather is in the negative teens, it kind of makes it hard to find things to do outside the house. fortunately, he doesn't seem to mind too much! we've been keeping him busy with all kinds of fun things, so he's been perfectly happy keeping warm around here. one of the things that he's been loving is drawing on his big pad of paper! david found a huge tablet of paper in his office a while ago, so diana has been laying on the floor with ledger just doodling away. i pulled out some of the latest pages and set them out so i could get a picture of all the colorful fun he's been up to. so, of course, he decided that would be the perfect time to stomp around on them papers and play with his animals on them!
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mema papa's!
diana had an opportunity to go with miranda to visit lissa in detroit, so ledger and i the chance to go up and spend some time with mema and papa! it wasnt a very long visit, but any time he gets to spend with them makes everyone happy.
i always know that i dont need to bring any toys up to grand rapids when i go, mema and papa have a whole room full of toys from having the other grandkids over to play. ledger always loves to go up to the toy room and pick a few special items to play with for the day. his current favorite is the car playset, the noah's ark filled with animals, and for some reason, a stroller? yeah, i dont get that one either... saturday afternoon papa sat down on the floor to play with him, and ledger took that opportunity to teach papa all the ins and outs of his car playset! as you can see both he and ivy are captivated...
sunday the cousins came over after church and the four of them had a great time playing together- jaidey and avery love playing with ledger so much!
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i always know that i dont need to bring any toys up to grand rapids when i go, mema and papa have a whole room full of toys from having the other grandkids over to play. ledger always loves to go up to the toy room and pick a few special items to play with for the day. his current favorite is the car playset, the noah's ark filled with animals, and for some reason, a stroller? yeah, i dont get that one either... saturday afternoon papa sat down on the floor to play with him, and ledger took that opportunity to teach papa all the ins and outs of his car playset! as you can see both he and ivy are captivated...
sunday the cousins came over after church and the four of them had a great time playing together- jaidey and avery love playing with ledger so much!
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snowed in
this stuff just will not quit! for days and days the snow has just kept coming. and to make it worse, the wind has been so strong that we've had a few -16 degree days! the nice part is that i've gotten a few snow days out of the deal, the not-so-nice part is that we have to deal with this! now, to be honest, i had been really enjoying the snow shoveling (i would rather shovel snow for three hours than mow a lawn for one), but this was getting to be too much! i'd spend an hour out there trying to clear a path for all the cars, and by the time i had gotten back up to the top of the driveway, it looked like i hadn't even done anything!
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a squirmy sitting
with our boy getting bigger and bigger, i've been wanting to get some pictures of him done. i know, i know, i take dozens of pictures of him every day, but i still want some good ones done professionally (on a side note, i recently took a look at the folder on my computer that has all the pictures i took of him during his first year of life and saw that i had taken more than 2,500 pictures of him! and that doesnt even include all of them that diana too as well! i'm pretty sure we've got a well documented boy...). we had taken him in to the portrait studio when he was four or five months, but we hadn't been back since. we were long over due, so i made an appointment and brought him in. diana wasnt able to come, so it was just the two of us. it was really fun to put him in his fancy outfit, but so hard to get him to sit still and look at the camera! that little squirmy wormy just wouldn't stop moving around! we ended up with some decent pictures, but its pretty obvious that daddy was at the sitting and not momma- she would have had him on best behavior!
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one of the gifts ledger's grandma got for him was a big book of vinyl stickers that he can put on and peel back off, and boy does he love it! its got a bunch of fun scenes like a farm, a jungle, and others. there are hundreds of little stickers for him to put on and take back off again- which he does constantly! every day he asks to play 'thtickuths!' which, in his language, means 'stickers!' we'll pull out that book and he's all set for a half hour or more. he's getting really good at naming all the animals and figuring out which ones go with which scene.
what a perfect gift!
what a perfect gift!
he finally did it. diana and i weren't sure if ledger was going to grow an attachment to any sort of stuffed animal or blanket, but he did. ever since we last visited mema and papa, ledger has hardly put this little doggy down! he's become obsessed! it was one of two little stuffed animals that mema had that caught his eye. the other one looks the exact same except its got pink spots on it. its really cute to see him walking around with a tight grip on this little guy. he's now taken to asking for 'doggy!' every night as we put him to bed. its very cute, he really loves his doggy. here's the thing though... its not a doggy. i'm pretty sure its a lamb, but neither diana nor i have the heart to correct him...
tooth brushing
one of the challenges with having a toddler is trying to get their teeth brushed. i've tried a bunch of different things to get him to open his mouth and let me brush them, but none of it has worked. one evening, in frustration, i just gave him the toothbrush and told him to do it himself- so he did! granted, he didnt exactly do the best job, but he was finally willing to let me finish the job after he played around with it for a while.
i'm starting to learn the little tricks of raising a child...
i'm starting to learn the little tricks of raising a child...
allen christmas
diana, ledger, and i also had the chance to pop in for an hour or two at the ol' allen family christmas! we met up with barbara and dad and got to see all the extended family: nancy and arnold, becky and tom, and all the rest. i really love that family! everyone was so thrilled to see our little guy- he was the hit of the party. we got to have a great meal and catch up with everyone. when the white elephant gift exchange got started, we unfortunately had to head out. but it was fantastic to see everyone again. maybe next time we can stay a bit longer!
keenan prizes
by the afternoon everyone who was coming had arrived- now its time for prizes! all of us gathered together in the living room and barbara took her traditional spot: right next to the tree, playing the role of gift hander-outer. she had a bit of competition this year though, both ledger and tavish wanted in on that job too! within minutes the unwrapping frenzy began! barbara, mom, and david all got the boys some pretty amazing gifts- stuff that they will love to play with right now, and even stuff that will last them straight on through till summer! they got fun toys, some crayons and coloring books, even some play-doh to make their own creations. it was really fun to see the boys get so excited about everything. after the weekend opening gifts at my parents, ledger took quickly to unwrapping all his own stuff.
thanks again, grandpa and grandma for all the great gifts!
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thanks again, grandpa and grandma for all the great gifts!
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lucky boy!
after all the christmas fun with my family, we headed back home and had a grand old christmas with diana's family too! ledger was thrilled that there were even more presents to open! alanna and tavish had come to visit once again, this time it was so that we could have a fun christmas together as a big family! one of the amazing gifts that ledger got he didn't even have to open- in the morning he woke up and as we walked into the living room he got to see it- a rocking horse! he was so excited i thought he was going to explode! at first he wasn't quite sure what to make of it: a giant horse in our toy room! he walked up to it and started petting it. i asked him if he wanted to get on and he wasn't entirely certain what i meant. i scooped him up and put him on the horse and he was thrilled! he rocked on that thing for about a twenty minutes straight. as soon as he got off of it, he wanted to go back on. he probably spent an hour or two on that thing the first day he got it!
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games and memories
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one eyed neil young
another great tradition of our cabin visits is heading out into the baldwin nightlife. we always go to the local bar which used to be called 'sporties'. its called something else now, but i've never bothered to learn its new name... one great thing about sporties is that you never know what you are going to get when you walk in. some years the place is completely empty, other years its full and offering a strange sort of creepy buffet. each year you can plan on the fact that there will be some strange new feature to the place that wasnt there last time. one year it was a gigantic wooden fish hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the restaurant, another year it was a karaoke machine (which adam was totally game for!). this year we got a live show from a local baldwinian who had some very 'colorful' songs that were something else... now that was a real treat! even with all these strange goings-on at sporties, one thing has remained the same: the hamburgers are amazing! that's the reason we keep going back. this time, after enjoying the live music, adam took some time to enjoy the parmesan cheese (on his beard), we saw a calvin college grad, and marveled at all the seating in the bathroom. all of which, i think, is best left unexplained...
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blaze a trail
one nice thing about the cabin is that its so far away from civilization. one annoying thing about the cabin is that its so far away from civilization... the path that leads up to the cabin is so remote that its never plowed. that can be a bit of an issue when there's a foot and a half of snow on the ground. we parked at the end of the trail, as far as we could go, and grabbed our stuff and went for a hike through the untouched snow. when we got to the cabin and jeffry lee got the fire roaring, a few of us grabbed shovels and decided to make a walkway from the cabin back to the cars. by the time we got half way, everyone decided to join in, making a production line of shovelers. we each took a turn continuing the path. the snow was really heavy and exhausting. i kept reminding everyone 'take a break, we don't need any heroes!'
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cabin, ho!
now that christmas was over, its time for one of my favorite traditions: the cabin trip! a bunch of friends and i get together every year to go up to a cabin that my extended family has up in baldwin, michigan. we've been doing it for so many years that we cant even remember the first year we started- really, we try and figure it out every year and end up no closer to figuring it out... some years we go up for a couple nights, but this year we're just going for one. because of that, we decide to make the most of it and meet up a bit earlier than usual. i picked up jeffry lee and meet up with dusty. we head over to adam's place, where he's got an old friend, sarah, waiting there to send us off. soon after we pull up, rex and aaron arrive. now we are ready to roll! we have the two drivers pick their teams (aka passengers), and off we go!
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round and round

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